"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only; fashion is something in the air. It's the wind that blows in the new fashion; you feel it coming, you smell it. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, and what is happening now."-CoCo Chanel
Today I decided to dedicated an article to one of my favorite classic designers, Gabrielle Bonhuer Chanel. ( designer CoCo Chanel). One of the many designer that have lefted an everlasting footprint in the fashion industry. Gabrielle was born in Saumur, France in 1883, in a warehouse where her mother worked. She was not very proud of this so she often disguised this by reporting her birthplace was in Aurvegne instead. At the age of six her mother died, leaving her father to care after her. She soon adopted the first name CoCo as a singer in cafe's in France later in years and after marrying a rich military officer, she launched her line during the 1920's. Then she made her mark in becoming the first designer to use jersey in her line. Her garments were the first to give women a men's appeal that became really popular during that time. (largly due to the fact that many women grew tired of the fridgit stiff boundaries of women's fashion in that era.) She launched her perfume line during the 1920's famously known as , Chanel No. 5. She in 1925 she launched her signature pieces, the Chanel "little black dress" and "cardigan jacket" as well. CoCo Chanel continued to work until the age of 88 in 1971 and designer Karl Lagerfeld continues to be the chief designer till this very day.
Classic,Sophistication, and Fabulous.
Gabrielle Bonhuer Chanel
"Fashion fades, only style remains the same"
-CoCo Chanel